Cuervoy Sobrinos(富豪諾斯)

Over the years, since Cuervo y Sobrinos has returned in great style to becoming a reality in the watch-making world, nothing has been left to chance.

The “modern” path of the brand is marked by creations that are continuously at the forefront. The class and elegance which set CyS models apart fully represent the timeless style of the art of “savoire-vivre”.
Eras and fashion do not affect the solid corporate philosophy still anchored to its own origins.”El tiempo lento” a lifestyle leading far away, to times, places and thoughts.

Because in Havana time has another rhythm.Time in Havana seems to extend and frenetic rhythm of everyday life is lost as soon as you enter another dimension, that which reigned in the Cuban capital in the golden era, when it was a centre of luxury and the beautiful world and refinement and taste could be touched in every corner of the city.
“Tiempo lento” became a way of life, a philosophy. Every moment takes on a unique and unrepeatable meaning, every experience becomes a form of comfort: life is to be lived moment by moment. This culture, born in the heat of the Tropics was,and is, the basis of Cuervo y Sobrinos production, from 1882 to this day.

Official website